Symphonic Orchestra of the Italian Radio

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Symphonic Orchestra of the Italian RadioМузыкант


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Act II: Vedrai, Piccolo Amor
Symphonic Orchestra of the Italian Radio and Television (RAI) of Turin, Angelo Questa, Clara Petrella, Mafalda Masini
Act II: Scuoti Quella Fronda Di Ciliegio
Symphonic Orchestra of the Italian Radio and Television (RAI) of Turin, Angelo Questa, Clara Petrella, Mafalda Masini
Act II: Coro A Bocca Chiusa
Symphonic Orchestra of the Italian Radio and Television (RAI) of Turin, Angelo Questa
Act II: Vespa! Rospo Maledetto!
Symphonic Orchestra of the Italian Radio and Television (RAI) of Turin, Angelo Questa, Mafalda Masini, Clara Petrella, Mariano Caruso
Act II: Che Tua Madre Dovrà
Symphonic Orchestra of the Italian Radio and Television (RAI) of Turin, Angelo Questa, Clara Petrella, Giuseppe Taddei
Act II: Ora A Noi, Sedete Qui
Symphonic Orchestra of the Italian Radio and Television (RAI) of Turin, Angelo Questa, Giuseppe Taddei, Clara Petrella
Act II: Due Cose Potrei Far
Symphonic Orchestra of the Italian Radio and Television (RAI) of Turin, Angelo Questa, Clara Petrella, Giuseppe Taddei
Act II: E Questo? Egli Potrà Pure Scordare
Symphonic Orchestra of the Italian Radio and Television (RAI) of Turin, Angelo Questa, Giuseppe Taddei, Clara Petrella
Act III: Oh Eh!
Symphonic Orchestra of the Italian Radio and Television (RAI) of Turin, Angelo Questa
Act III: Già Il Sole! Cio-Cio-San
Symphonic Orchestra of the Italian Radio and Television (RAI) of Turin, Angelo Questa, Mafalda Masini, Clara Petrella
Act III: Vespa! Voglio Che Tu Risponda
Symphonic Orchestra of the Italian Radio and Television (RAI) of Turin, Angelo Questa, Clara Petrella, Mafalda Masini, Giuseppe Taddei, Maria Cristina
Act III: Come Una Mosca Prigioniera
Symphonic Orchestra of the Italian Radio and Television (RAI) of Turin, Angelo Questa, Mafalda Masini, Clara Petrella